Taj Mahal: Was it a Vedic Temple? Photographic Evidence, by Stephen Knapp Stephen Knapp 10:26 13 years ago 344 603 Далее Скачать
Taj Mahal was a Vedic Temple - Photographic Evidence, by Stephen Knapp Stephen Knapp 10:26 12 years ago 2 425 Далее Скачать
P N Oak Interview About the Taj Mahal by Dr. R. S. Bakhshi Stephen Knapp 42:33 2 years ago 12 722 Далее Скачать
Stephen Knapp: "I was a Hindu in my previous life." The Festival of Bharat 14:32 2 years ago 8 310 Далее Скачать
Defending Vedic Tradition for Survival of Hindu Dharma, by Stephen Knapp (Sri Nandanandana dasa) Stephen Knapp 45:32 3 years ago 1 934 Далее Скачать
"Shah Jahan purchased - not built the Taj Mahal." The Festival of Bharat 7:23 1 year ago 12 616 Далее Скачать
"It is likely that the Taj Mahal was a Shiva temple, palace." Stephen Knapp The Festival of Bharat 2:03 2 years ago 5 681 Далее Скачать
Amazing India: The Holy Places of Lord Rama, by Stephen Knapp Stephen Knapp 14:33 11 years ago 17 460 Далее Скачать
Did you know that Shah Jahan PURCHASED - not built the Taj Mahal ? The Festival of Bharat 7:15 2 years ago 7 412 Далее Скачать
Stephen Knapp's Talk at World Parliament of Science, Religion and Philosophy Stephen Knapp 13:28 5 years ago 2 173 Далее Скачать
Interview with Prof Marvin Mills About the Taj Mahal Stephen Knapp 33:38 2 years ago 4 793 Далее Скачать
Sadhguru talks about Stephen Knapp's remarks on govt control of temples | Frankly Speaking | Navika TIMES NOW 4:25 3 years ago 760 Далее Скачать
Advancements of Ancient Vedic Culture, by Stephen Knapp Stephen Knapp 13:52 12 years ago 13 364 Далее Скачать
The Hindu Unity Day Keynote Talk--Live Version, by Stephen Knapp Stephen Knapp 36:53 13 years ago 1 568 Далее Скачать